I need to learn to bring tissues to church. There was a woman who told her story and explained how she came to Christ and it brought me to tears about 3 or 4 times in her 15 minutes of speaking.
Then the sermon by Pastor Phil was about how Christ was born to save us. I cried when he explained how many people have come to him telling him that they would rather be dead than live another day in this life. I can completly understand where these people are coming from because many days my husband and I both feel the same way. Pastor Phil said that the one thing that he says to these people is that they're in the perfect position to live their lives for Christ. You lay down your life and your needs and live for Christ. You praise others for their successes because the benefits of this physical life mean nothing in comparison to eternal life. You can listen to the sermon here. Just click on "Sermon Player" at the bottom & listen to Born to Rescue to hear it.
Then I hear about this. A blogger wanted to donate $30 gift cards to 20 people who did not know how they were going to provide gifts & food for their children this Christmas. Apparently the response was not only overwhelming regarding those who needed the support but also for those who were willing to help. As of this afternoon, more that 650 gift cards have been sent to families in need! As I'm reading her blog, I'm tearing up (yes, again) and thinking about how amazing it is that people are so willing to help out a stranger.
So this holiday season, please remember those in need. Help whomever you can - give someone a ride, buy them a coffee, donate to a charity (check out Cake Wrecks for a daily suggestion) or simply bake some cookies for your neighbor! It's the little things that make a big difference.
God Bless you all.
I Just Want to Be Ok by Sarah A. Manning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
I was blessed by this morning's service as well. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you. This is a good reminder. (Oh, and sorry we missed you this morning--we went to first service today.)
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