Still on my to do list for Christmas are the following:
* Finish the Christmas shopping
* Cleaning the apartment
* Taking out the Christmas decorations
* Decorating the apartment
* Donating to charity
* Bringing extra icicle lights to work so that I can finish decorating there
* Baking some cookies to bring to Christmas
* Getting lots of caffeine prepared for working 11pm-7am Christmas Eve to Christmas morning
I look at that list and think, "That's not too bad. It will take no time to get that completed!" Then I realize that if I'm going to get it all done, I need to start doing things after work! It makes me wish that I had a second car so that I can get cleaning and decorating done at home before work every day. At least I have time to decorate at work!
Speaking of work, it's now time to start so I'm going to go. I hope that you're all prepared for the "big event" in 10 days. If not, remember that you've still got a little time. Hopefully, you'll be able to strategize and beat the crowds.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
I Just Want to Be Ok by Sarah A. Manning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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