Monday, October 11, 2010

A Better Person

So I've been thinking that there are a lot of things that I'd like to do to make myself a better, happier person.  I want to feel like I'm a good, responsible, loving dog (pet) owner...

For example:
  • I'd love to wake up early in the morning, take the dogs for a walk, enjoy the peace of the morning before most people are up & out.
  • I'd love to be a "neat freak".  Everything in it's place..  Everything clean..  No clutter!  Wow.  Wouldn't that be great?!
  • I want to be healthy.  Eat healthy.  Be active (walking the dogs every morning has a double-bonus sort of thing...  Tackling two desires at once!).
  • I want to spend time training my dogs every day.  Chewy has so much that he needs to work on and I've failed to be on top of his training..
  • I want to do something special with Anna.  She's such a great dog and I would love to have her receive an honor.  I'm thinking about getting an AKC Canine Good Citizen certification.
I know that all of this sounds pretty easy...  I have just been so down that I don't feel like doing anything other than sleeping and doing nothing.

Have a great week!  I'll write more soon.

Creative Commons License
I Just Want to Be Ok by Sarah A. Manning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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