I'm actually feeling pretty good. The dogs are doing much better and we're all able to sleep at night. Mike & I have been having good conversations and are working together on things... It's so nice to be communicating so well and being able to share the daily responsibilities. It's helping me feel better about things.
We're going to try to head to the pumpkin farm this weekend with my sisters. They're pretty busy on the weekends though so I'm not sure when we'll be going. Probably Sunday afternoon? That will give Mike time on Saturday to help his mother with her television (she needs a new one & blew him off last weekend) and get the car cleaned out. Maybe we'll head over to my mom's and they'll let us use their Shop-Vac so we don't have to pay someone to vaccum the car out really good.
I need to be more organized at home. It's driving me nuts! When we first moved in, we didn't have anything & it was great! No clutter.. No mess.. Now, we've got things everywhere. I'd love to take an entire week to literally go through everything and throw out the things we don't want & need. I mean.. Our storage unit is packed (with what? I don't even remember) and our "den" is packed... There are some memorabilia things that we should display, lots of photos, lots of things for scrapbooking... I need it organized and I need to throw things out. If anyone is interested in helping, let me know! You can keep anything I'm going to toss.
On the other hand, there are still some things that we need. We need a kitchen table & sturdy chairs, a sturdy patio set (chairs & a table would be a nice touch), a coffee maker (according to Mike - not Mr. Coffee??), a salad spinner, another sheet set, plastic hangers (I like to have all the same kind - sorry, I'm picky) & a tv stand (strong enough to hold what we've got & hopefully a new one in the next 2 years). Oh yeah.. A king size headboard would be nice too. We're going garage sale shopping next spring. Mom, let me know when that neighborhood one comes up!
We've also talked briefly about painting. Especially since we're planning on spending a few years here, it would be nice to add a splash of color. If you have any opinions, let me know!
I've been wanting to go to church & enjoy it when I do go but I'm so lazy about it... I don't want to get up when my alarm goes off or sleep too long or I get up & shower then don't want to do anything or go anywhere. I'm sure it's a bit of depression slipping in so I've got to try to break free. My mom invited me to a women's bible study group and I think it would be interesting to go (if for no other reason than getting to see my mom)... It's Thursday nights, which mostly works out.. Why am I so indecisive?!?!
Well, I'm going to go now. Hope you all enjoy your day!
I Just Want to Be Ok by Sarah A. Manning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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