Anyway... Before we left for work, we noticed that it had coagulated and put the cone of shame on her. She'll spend the day out of the cage but be spending a lot of time with the cone. Hopefully, the swelling & bruising on her foot will subside soon. I have it wrapped just in case.
I had a McDonald's breakfast this morning. The sandwich (Egg McMuffin) was pretty good but I'm starting to taste the aftertaste of the hasbrown... Ugh.. I hate the feeling & aftertaste of them. They taste so good when you're eating them but when you're finished it's sooooo gross. I can feel my insides screaming because of all the grease and processed food. Ew. I'll be having some left-over mexican food (tortillas, black beans, rice, ground beef & guac) for lunch so hopefully I won't continue to feel the greasiness. Plus I have an apple & peanut butter... Yum! I've been liking that snack. Mom, did you ever cut up apples with peanut butter for me when I was little? I remember the celery...
Anyway, I'm listening to my playlist right now. Jason Mraz "I'm Yours" song just came on. I like this song so much! :) I think it's his acoustic version. I love acoustic versions of songs.
Well, I guess that's about all I have for today. I have one of my massive headaches so I'm going to go rest my eyes for a little while. See you on the flip side!
I Just Want to Be Ok by Sarah A. Manning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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